AmuzAnt Design

Privacy Policy

Would you like some cookies with that?

I (AmuzAnt Design aka Tineke De Cat) take your privacy seriously. I promise not to sell your personal information to any shady characters, even when they’re offering a really good price. And I definitely won’t share your secrets with your enemies, they can build their own site for that.

Your privacy, especially in the case of the automated processing of personal data of users, is important and respected. That’s why I’ve created this Privacy Page with a full transparency policy so that you know what is collected, used, and disclosed, and what your rights are.

The anonymous cookie

I promise to protect your personal information and use it only for the purposes outlined in this policy (all good things!). Until you accept the use of cookies and other tracking systems on this site – please do accept, as all cookies do, this improves the performance. You can choose your flavor of cookies in the bottom right corner. – we won’t place any analytical and/or tracking cookies that are not anonymized on your device of choice (whether it’s a computer, phone, tablet, or futuristic, next-level device).

By continuing to use my website, you consent to the terms of use and are enjoying some nice cookies to improve the time spent here. If you don’t like this, well, tough cookies (sadly for both of us). You can set up your personal cookie preferences at the buffet in the bottom right corner or just enjoy whatever my site offers up.

The version of the Privacy Policy on the website is the only valid one during your visit, until a new version replaces this one.


If you have any questions about the shipping of your goodie, please have a look at the Frequently Asked Questions or get in touch with me.


Oh no, it’s no good? Check out my Return Policy with the Frequently Asked Questions, or get in touch with me and we can find a solution.

My cookie recipe

Flavor (Article) 1 – The Legal stuff

Website (after this “the website”): www.amuzant.design
Responsible person for collecting and analyzing the personal information (after this :”The administrator”) aka me: Tineke De cat, established at Brialmontlei 67/2, 2018 Antwerp, kvk-number: 0713.630.681.

Flavor (Article) 2 – The Website access

The access to the website and the usage thereof is strictly personal (just for you). Anything you find here (data or information) can not be used for commercial, political or publicity purposes, especially not for commercial offers or unrequested electronic offers. (I promise not to spam you, please don’t spam me.)

Ingredient (Article) 3- The Website ingredients

Simply said, I (Tineke) made all of this; please don’t use it without getting explicit permission.


Said in legalese: Alle brands, images, commentary, illustrations, animations, videos, sounds, and the technical applications used to make this site functional and in general all parts used on this site, are protected by law as intellectual property. Every kind of reproduction, repetition, usage of adaption, of any part (big or small) without prior written permission of the administrator is strictly forbidden. If immediate action is not undertaken by the administrator against any kind of offense, this can not be construed as permission or the refraining from persecution.

Ingredient (Article) 4 – The Website recipe

For the proper management of the website, at any time the administrator can:

  • limit the acces of a certain category of visitors to a part, or the entirity of the website for any amount of time.
  • remove all the informatio that can disrupt the functioning of the website or that is in violation of national or international legislation or internet etiquette (no trolls alowed in this kingdom).
  • have the website temporarily unavailable in order to carry out updates (sometimes the cake needs some new icing).

Ingredient (Article) 5 – Careful with what you eat (your responsibilities)

Simply said, I (the administrator) might provide some goodies, but how you use them or what you do before or after (like putting them on a dirty plate) is your responsibility. You should also check what you are eating since there might be something in there that you don’t like (maybe you don’t want sugar…).

In legalese: The administrator is in no way responsible for failures, malfunctions, difficulties, or interruptions in the functioning of the website, as a result of which the website or one of its functionalities is not accessible. The way in which you connect to the website is your own responsibility. You must take all appropriate measures yourself to protect your equipment and your data against, among other things, virus attacks on the internet. You are also responsible for the websites and the data you consult on the internet.

The administrator is not liable for legal proceedings against you:

  • due to the use of the website or services accessible via the internet
  • for violating the terms of this privacy policy

The administrator is not responsible for any damage that you incur yourself, or third parties, or your equipment incur as a result of your connection to or use of the website. You will refrain from any action against the administrator as a result of this.

If the administrator becomes involved in a dispute as a result of your use of this website, I’m entitled to recover from you all the damage that I suffered and will suffer as a result.

Ingredient (Article) 6 – The gathering of the cookies (data)

Your cookies (and other personal data) are collected by me (the administrator, aka Tineke De Cat). Personal data means all information about an identified (or identifiable) natural person; an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity; so whatever makes you you.

Your personal information, collected on this website, will mainly be used by the administrator to maintain relationships with you and, if applicable, to process your orders. So it’s just to be nice to you and send you your stuff.

Ingredient (Article) 7 – Your data, your rights

Simply said: If you want me to have less data or delete all data concerning you, just get in touch with your info at tineke@amuzant.design.

In Legalese: Pursuant to Article 13 paragraph 2 sub b GDPR, everyone has the right to inspect and rectify or erase his personal data or limit the processing concerning him, as well as the right to object to the processing and the right to data portability. You can exercise these rights by contacting me at tineke@amuzant.design.
Every request needs to be accompanied by a copy of a valid proof of identity, on which you have put your signature and stating the address where you can be contacted. You will receive an answer to your request within 1 month after the request has been submitted. Depending on the complexity of the requests and the number of requests, this period can be extended by 2 months if necessary.

Step (Article) 8 – Eating the cookies, aka Processing the data

Simply said: if you are suspected of committing a crime, and the government needs your intel, I will give it to them, but only if they give me a special and motivated request. I won’t be sharing your personal data willy-nilly.

In Legalese: In the event of a violation of any law or regulation, of which the visitor is suspected and for which the authorities need personal data collected by the manager, these will be provided to them after an explicit and motivated request from those authorities, after which this personal data will no longer fall under the protection of the provisions of this privacy statement.

If I need any specific information from you, so you can access certain functionalities of the website (like going into your account page and seeing what you bought already), I will let you know that info is mandatory (cue for a pop-up or an asterisk to appear) when you are asked for those details.

Step (Article ) 9 – Sending you the deeds on some goodies, aka Commercial offers

I might send you some commercial offers (I promise not to spam you), but if you don’t want to receive those (or maybe not any longer), then you can mail me at hi@amuzant.design

If you come across any personal data during your visit to the website, you must refrain from collecting it or from any other unauthorized use, as well as from any act that infringes the privacy of that person(s). The administrator is in no way responsible in the above situations.

Step (Article) 10 – Cookie shelf life, aka Data retention period

Simply said: I stick to the law, when the law says throw them out, no longer good for consumption, I throw the data out.

In legalese: The data collected by the administrator of the website is used and stored for the duration as determined by law.

Step (Article) 11 – Cookie Presentation aka Visual material and products offered

No rights can be derived from the images associated with the products offered on the website.

Simply said: the images are not exactly how your product may look like, especially since the clothing and accessories are made on order, so small differences are possible. You can not claim anything based on the image of the product on the website.

Ingredient (Article 12) – Applicable law

Belgian law applies to these terms and conditions. The court of the administrator’s place of business has exclusive jurisdiction in the event of any disputes regarding these terms and conditions, except when a legal exception applies.

Ingredient (Article 13) – Contact

For questions, product information, or information about the website itself, please contact me: Tineke De Cat, hi@amuzant.design.